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Configuring Flags

All built-in flags have an inner Config class that is used to customize their behavior, and serve as factory classes for the Flag type.

Configuration classes can also provide default values for one another by combining them using the | operator:

from block_wrangler import BlockMapping, FlagSequence, EnumFlag
from case_transform import pascalcase, macrocase

Sequence = FlagSequence.Config(
function_name = lambda flag: return f"Get{pascalcase(flag)}"
Enum = EnumFlag.Config(
enum_value_name = lambda flag, value: return f"{pascalcase(flag)__{macrocase(value)}}"
) | Sequence

mapping = BlockMapping.solve({
'sway': Enum({
'top': tags['sway/upper'],
'bottom': tags['sway/lower'] + tags['sway/short'],
'full': tags['sway/full'],
'floating': tags['sway/floating'],
'hanging': tags['sway/hanging'],