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Custom Tags

Block Wrangler includes a few pre-defined tags, but you can also create your own.

Why create your own tags? Why not just use block collections?

The main benefit to creating tags are that they aren't calculated until they are actually used. This means that you can create tags that depend on other tags without having to worry about the order in which you define them.

You can also modify them in multiple places without having to worry about which place is in charge of initializing the tag.

Creating a tag

To add a tag to a TagLibrary, you can use the TagLibrary.touch method:

tags = load_tags()
my_tag = tags.touch('my_tag')

Now, every time you query tags['my_tag'] or tags.touch('my_tag'), it will reference the same tag as the one you just created.

Adding blocks

Tags take block types, rather than individual block states. This means you'll need to use the block_types function to add block types to a tag, rathern than the blocks function that you would use when defining flags. To add block types to a tag, you can use the TagLibrary.add method:

tags = load_tags()
tags.touch('my_tag').add(block_types('minecraft:oak_log'), filter=lambda state: state.axis == 'y')

Adding other tags

Tags can depend on other tags! To add another tag's contents to your own, simply pass the tag to the add method instead:

tags.touch('persistent_leaves').add(tags.touch('minecraft:oak_leaves'), filter=lambda state: state.persistent == 'true')