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Custom Flag Types

Block Wrangler supports the most common flag types:

  • Booleans,
  • Integers,
  • Floats,
  • Enums

However, the user can also define their own custom flag types.

The structure of a flag

A Flag is responsible for resolving its input into a set of boolean flags, and for rendering a decoder function in GLSL.

Expanding flags into boolean flags

Any Flag type must implement the expand_flags method, which takes a flag name and returns a dict[str, BlockCollection]. The resulting keys are the names of the boolean flags, and must be unique. This is why the method is passed the flag name. The values of the dictionary are the blocks that make up each boolean flag.

Rendering the decoder function

The render_decoder method takes the flag name, the mapping of block IDs to flags, and the global configuration. The output is a Generator[str, Any, None] that yields one line of GLSL at a time.


The global configuration contains the id_type field, which is the type of the numerical ID the decoder function shouold expect.

the Config class

Many Flag types have an inner Config class that is used to customize the behavior of the Flag, and serve as factory classes for the Flag type. They should be subclassed alongside the Flag class.
For the most part, Configuration classes behave like normal dataclasses, and should define fields in the same way. All fields should be optional for best results.

When subclassing an existing Flag type, you should override the Config class's __call__ method, so that it creates the correct Flag type when called.

The FlagSequence class

Much of this functionality is provided by the FlagSequence class. It is still quite flexible due to the use of helper methods.


The return_type property is responsible for determining the return type of the decoder function.


The render_value method is responsible for rendering a value of the flag into GLSL code. In many cases,

decoder_prefix and decoder_suffix

The decoder_prefix and decoder_suffix methods are responsible for adding any additional code that should appear before or after the decoder function.